A Message from Pastor Billy:

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The devil is a liar (the father of lies) and the truth is not in him. We will continue to expose him and awaken the light of The Saith's! God's people must understand the truth of Christ Jesus 2nd Coming, as it is written in The Lambs Book of Life!
Welcome Servants Of Christ - What a joy and honor it is, for me to greet you to our church family CHENANI Seventh Day Adventist Church "A Safe Place" Christian Learning Center Outpost. The word CHENANI means "Established of God" as found in Nehemiah 9:4 and pronounced ke-nai'-nia .
CHENANI is a strong, faithful, missionary, and multicultural group of believers, who are devoted to serving God, reaching the World and Exposing the enemy.
As we follow Christ's example, we know that CHENANI's core Mission is in-line with God's Great Commission: Matthew 28:19-20
Our Mission Statement clearly embodies our purpose in exposing satans lies, transforming lives, and reaching the world through God's Holy Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophesy. It's time to finish the work!
The angel said to them, . . . Get ready, get ready, get ready click to read.
For that reason, our goal is to help you learn God's Holy Scriptures, understand clear Bible Prophesy, and recognize The Pillars of Present Truth & fundamental beliefs
Come and learn how to appreciate the Compassion, LOVE & Care Jesus' saving Grace wants you to experience "Today". We invite you to visit us at "A Safe Place".
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